Als de reden van de retourzending een fout van Hanna Instruments betreft, dan zullen wij zorg dragen dat de goederen kosteloos bij u afgehaald en volledig gecrediteerd worden. U dient ons wel in de gelegenheid te stellen om deze logistieke en administratieve zaken af te handelen.
Als de reden van de retourzending geen fout van Hanna Instruments betreft, dan hangt de mogelijkheid tot retourname en de eventuele kosten van de retourname af van de hierna genoemde zaken.
Goederen worden uitsluitend na overleg en schriftelijk akkoord teruggenomen.
Werkwijze bij retourzendingen waarbij het geen tekortkoming van Hanna Instruments betreft.
Replacement under warranty and repairs are performed by Hanna Instruments' own technical service.
Products Products requiring repair should be sent to Hanna Instruments for the attention of the technical service together with the repair form. The products must be properly packaged with a clear and complete statement of the company details, accompanied by a short description of the problem or the service to be performed. The costs for sending products to Hanna Instruments are for the account of the customer. The sender is also responsible for any claims of transport damage by its carrier.
If, after approval by the technical service, the product is covered by warranty, it will be repaired or replaced free of charge and returned free of charge. Warranty only applies if the product is used as described in the manual, of course under normal conditions and in accordance with the usage limits and prescribed maintenance and calibration procedures (with Hanna products) described in the manual. To claim a warranty, we may request proof of purchase from the end user.
Before the technical service proceeds with replacement, repair or calibration, you will be sent a detailed repair report with rate by fax or email within five working days of receipt. Only after your signed agreement will it be returned to you.
Hanna Instruments products are produced under ISO9001 conditions in one of our five production sites. Our warranty periods range from six months to two years and are effective from the date of purchase by the end user.
Measuring instruments: 2 years
Electrodes and probes: 6 months
To comply with ISO, HACCP, BRC or IFS audits, your meters and loggers must be recalibrated at least annually. Hanna Instruments can calibrate your meters for temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and ORP within a very short period of time at an attractive price.
To renew your certificates you can send your measuring instrument with probe and completed order form to our technical department stating 'recalibration'. Within a few working days, your instrument will be calibrated and you will receive a new calibration certificate.
In our calibration laboratory we can of course also calibrate measuring instruments from other manufacturers. Please feel free to contact us for a quote.
Instruments come standard with an English manual.